Mariah Carey Pinches Billy Eichner’s Butt At The Premiere of ‘Bros’ & He’ll ‘Never Recover’
The ‘We Belong Together’ singer rocked a dress with the movie’s logo on it, as she posed with the star on the red carpet.
The ‘We Belong Together’ singer rocked a dress with the movie’s logo on it, as she posed with the star on the red carpet.
Colton Underwood revealed on Instagram that he loves Billy Eichner’s support after coming out — and he ‘loves being gay,’ too!
It’s Yom Kippur, and tons of celebrities have expressed their excitement over celebrating the holiest day of the Jewish year! Politicians like President Obama and actors like Billy Eichner took to Twitter to give their best wishes for the High holiday, and some to talk about their plans themselves!
Yom Kippur, on September 23, is a day that so many Jewish celebrities have come out to celebrate with high regard. They took to Twitter to share their excitement about the holiday, and some non-Jewish celebs chimed in to give their support. What a loving day! Click through to see their tweets!
The finale of ‘Billy On The Street’ airs May 14 at 11pm on Fuse and fan favorite — and Billy favorite — Elena will be returning to join Billy in his segment ‘For A Dollar’. Click through to watch the clip and read HollywoodLife.com’s exclusive interview with Billy where he told us how YOU can get Billied On The Street!
Billy On The Street’s third season finale is May 14, and while we could not be more excited for the delightful maniac that is Elena to return, we’ll definitely be missing seeing Billy Eichner yell in the faces of random New Yorkers every week! If you just can’t wait for the finale and you need something to tide you over until then, see below for a clip of Billy and Elena hosting “For A Dollar” — where Billy, normally alone, asks New Yorkers questions such as “for a dollar, do you think that Ellie Goulding should brush her hair?” — and to read our exclusive interview with Billy where he gave us some very important advice on how you can be a contestant on Billy On The Street!
Best prank ever. We can only imagine how excited we’d be if Amy approached us on the street and made us a part of her hilarious skit.
Comedian Billy Eichner has been recruiting celebrities to run around NYC harassing people, and this week, he enlisted his Parks and Recreation co-star Amy Poehler,. Things got super silly when she put on a Pitbull mask and did her best to imitate the rapper. She didn’t have anyone fooled – but she did get us laughing hysterically. Watch – and laugh – for yourself!
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