The party’s over for Mattie Breaux. MTV’s The Challenge and CMT’s Party Down South star isn’t going to be doing any partying in the foreseeable future, as the 31-year-old will be spending seven days in a Davidson County, TN jail following her third DUI offense. She was looking at a year behind bars according to paperwork obtained by TMZ, but the site reports that the judge suspended all but 7 days of her sentence.
Mattie isn’t even going to have to serve all seven days at one, as Karla West, chief of staff at the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office told TMZ that she’ll be serving the time on weekends only until she completes her seven days. West added that it is “normal procedure” in cases like Mattie’s. We’ve got five things to know about Mattie Breaux.

1. Mattie’s jail sentence comes over a year after her third DUI arrest. She was arrested in Aug. 2019 following a single vehicle crash in Nashville. She told police that she had taken the opioid painkiller hydrocodone — which she claimed a pal gave her — and downed two beers before making the terrible decision to get behind the wheel of her 2016 white Honda.
2. Mattie has two prior DUI’s in Louisiana. She was arrested in Sept. 2013 and and charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated after police pulled her over for weaving in between lanes. A bench warrant was issued in Apr. 2014 when she failed to show up to a pre-trial hearing, but she later cleared up that matter. Its unclear when her second DUI took place.
3. Mattie won’t be driving for quite some time. In addition to the seven days in jail in Nashville, she’s been put on nearly a year’s probation and will lose her driver’s license for one year as part of her sentence.
4. Mattie has a drunken alter-ego “Martha” and has ended up hospitalized for alcohol poisoning. During season one of CMT’s Party Down South, Mattie wound up in the hospital after drinking way too much. “It was very scary,” Mattie told Rumorfix.com in 2014 about the incident. “I woke up and I was hooked up to IV’s and it’s a blackout and you don’t know what happened. I could have killed myself. I just love Patron!” While Mattie went out drinking the very next night after getting released, she claimed she still learned a lesson as that night she didn’t end up in a hospital. For real. Check out the interview here starting at the 3:40 mark.
5. Mattie now loves working out. She has her own YouTube channel which she has devoted to sharing fitness videos. Lately Mattie seems very much more into taking care of her body and health, so hopefully she stays on that path. Mattie also has an Instagram account called Unbothered where she shares recipes for healthy meals and methods of self care, in addition to swimsuit photos.