This 10-Minute Core-Blasting AARMY Ab Workout Will Leave You ‘Drenched In Sweat’ & ‘Mentally Tested’

AARMY's February ab AMRAP challenge with ab-solutely light up your core & we've got all the details on the 10-minute workout here!

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Don’t let your 2021 fitness resolutions stop once February starts! AARMY coach Sophia Goldstein took HollywoodLife IG followers through a core-bursting AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) workout that will be featured as AARMY’s Daily Challenge throughout the month of Feb. With just four, ab-blasting moves in ten minutes, you can have a full core burnout with the help of the fitness brand’s inspiring coaches. “You’re not just doing it once and then putting it away — you’re doing this challenge over the next 21 days, so the idea is to beat yourself from the last day. You’re always pushing to go a little bit faster than the previous day,” explained Sophia. “What I learned while filming it wasn’t that just my abs hurt, obviously they did, but it was mostly the mental challenge of starting this AMRAP every day and being like, ‘Okay I’m going to go a little bit harder,’ and then challenge myself more each day.” You can sign up for AARMY here and get access to all of their digital bootcamp & cycling practices!

The AMRAP ab workout includes 20 flutter-kicks, 20 hollow rocks, 20 full-range sit-ups and 20 roll-ups. On the AARMY app, the coaches break down the correct form and offer modifications for each move. “Each exercise, especially the first two, require keeping your body in hollow body-position. You’re asking your body to stay compact for an extended period of time,” Sophia said. “Sit-ups and roll-ups are using momentum to sit or stand all the way up — there’s an added mobility challenge.”

Sophia recommended that at-home athletes reach out to some friends to create a healthy competition for the next 21 days to take part in the AMRAP challenge on the AARMY app. “It’s a way for people to come together. It’s not even about competing against each other, but we just mostly get competitive with ourselves and it’s a good way to keep people together and simultaneously benefit each individual athlete,” she continued.

After your workout, recovery is super important! “For this challenge in particular, stretch your hips!” reminded Sophia. “Pigeon pose, Child’s Pose, 90-90, Butterfly pose. You’re going to use your hip flexors a lot in these, even if you have perfect form, you’re just going to get fatigued after doing that many reps. So, just stretch and as always, drink water!”

You can sign up for the AARMY App here and take part in the Daily Ab AMRAP Challenge this month!