‘My Big Fat Fabulous Life’ Preview: Whitney & Buddy Change Their Marriage Pact After Her Breakup

Buddy asks Whitney to modify their marriage pact in this EXCLUSIVE preview of the Dec. 15 episode of 'My Big Fat Fabulous Life.' In the wake of her breakup, Whitney agrees with Buddy.

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Buddy Bell decides it’s time to bring up his marriage pact with Whitney Way Thore in this EXCLUSIVE preview of the all-new episode of My Big Fat Fabulous Life. The initial pact was that if they were both single by the time they were 40, then they would just marry each other.

He asks about renegotiating the marriage contract. “We definitely need to change it ’cause I will definitely still be single by the time I’m 40, I don’t know about you,” Whitney admits. Whitney’s had it rough romantically after learning of ex-fiance Chase Severino’s infidelity.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Buddy and Whitney switch up their marriage pact. (TLC)

Buddy moves up the age in the marriage pact to 55 years old. “I’d be fine getting married. We don’t have to f**k or anything,” Whitney says. Buddy notes that they basically already act like a married couple. “I cannot possibly explain how appreciative I have been of having Buddy with me,” Whitney says in her confessional. “Truly do not think that I could have survived without him. But I still hope I’m not single at 55. I am not quite ready to just throw in the towel yet.”

Buddy and Whitney sign their new marriage pact on a pizza box — very Joey and Phoebe-esque! “I guess now, in theory, I won’t die alone,” she quips.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Whitney’s breakup with Chase totally blindsided her. (TLC)

Buddy has been such a loyal friend to Whitney since her breakup with Chase. Whitney and Chase were engaged, but she revealed in a May 2020 Instagram post that they had split. Whitney learned that Chase had cheated on her, and he was going to have a child with another woman. This crushing news totally blindsided Whitney, and her friends rushed to support her. After celebrating her 36th birthday in isolation, Buddy moved in with Whitney.


Whitney’s personal life has played out during the latest season of My Big Fat Fabulous Life. Whitney is set to confront Chase and get closure during the Dec. 15 episode. My Big Fat Fabulous Life airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on TLC.