Offset is supporting Cardi B after she defended her collection of expensive Hermés Birkin bags. The Migos frontman, 28, took to his Instagram account on October 26, posting a photo of himself sitting at a table with Cardi B posed-up in a green dress. In the background were the “Money” rapper’s many Birkin bags, which can retail from a range of roughly $11,000 to $200,000, along with Offset’s caption supporting Cardi’s collection.
“Stop letting people on the internet tell ya’ll who can get a Birkin at the store, and how many Birkin’s you can get,” Offset began his caption. “Black people having access to luxury shouldn’t be a debate…by the way hip hop starts the trends,” he concluded. The Instagram post comes just one day after Cardi took to her own Instagram account on October 25 and issued a scathing clap back to a claim circulating on social media.
The initial claim stated that “Birkins have literally lost their value” because Black female rappers like Cardi “have got y’all convinced that these birkin bags are easy to get.” The post garnered immense attention online, including by high profile rappers. Cardi was, of course, incredibly frustrated by the comment, and took to social media with a powerful message.
“First thing first: I definitely could get a bag — actually I got four bags today from the Hermès store. I don’t want to brag but, it’s like, don’t even try it,” she began her video. “Second of all…why is it that y’all asking female rappers if they could get a bag from the Hermès store? Y’all don’t do this to these White celebrities,” the Grammy-winner, 28, observed.
“They’re saying that we depreciate the value. Actually, we add value. Because, in hip hop, when we mention brands in hip hop, that sh*t go up,” she said. The rapper became even more impassioned during her response, adding that, “there’s a lot of boss a** b*tches out here that own their own company — there’s realtors, there’s PRs, there’s A&Rs, there’s doctors…and the list goes f**king on.”
Finally, Cardi offered a thoughtful piece of advice to her legions of fans. “Don’t ever feel like you gotta compare yourself. Don’t ever feel like you gotta go to Canal Street and get a fake one to keep up,” she said. The rapper also reminded her admirers that so much of what they see on the internet is “fake,” and that they should never compare themselves to what they see online.
Offset’s post clearly echoed many of the sentiments Cardi articulated in her video, which comes just after the two seemingly reconciled. Cardi initially filed for divorce from Offset in September, but has since shared with fans that she and Offset are back together. While the couple continues to work on their bond, this public demonstration of support from Offset shows how important this issue is to the couple.