Queen Elizabeth Urges The Nation To Stay ‘United’ Amidst Pandemic: ‘We Will Succeed’

Queen Elizabeth brought the UK together with a rare on-camera address, assuring her people that she would be there for them through the coronavirus crisis.

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Queen Elizabeth II
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Queen Elizabeth II made a rare broadcast appearance on Sunday, April 5 to address Britons about the growing COVID-19 crisis in the United Kingdom. In her pre-recorded address from Windsor Castle, where she is self-isolating during the pandemic, the 93-year-old monarch delivered a message of hope to her subjects. “While we have faced challenges before, this one is different. This time, we join with all nations across the globe in a common endeavor using the great advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal,” the Queen stated. “We will succeed, and that success will belong to every one of us. We should take comfort that although we have more still to endure, better days will return. We will be with our friends again. We will be with our families again. We will meet again,” she continued.

The Queen went on to thank the nation for their efforts in self-isolating as the globe works through this pandemic. “I also want to thank those of you who are staying at home, thereby helping to protect the vulnerable, and sparing many families the pain already felt by those who have lost loved ones,” she added, urging the British people to keep a united front. “While we are tackling this disease, and I want to reassure you that if we remain united and resolution, then we we will overcome it. I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge. And those who come after us will say the Britains of this generation are as strong as any. The attributes of self discipline, of quiet, good human resolve, and a fellow feeling still characterize this country,” she stated.

“The pride in who we are is not a part of our past, it defines our present and future,” The Queen added, also giving the hardworking health care professionals and essential workers well-deserved praise. “The moments when the United Kingdom has come together to applaud its care and essential workers will be remembered as an expression of our national spirit. And its symbol will be the rainbows drawn by children,” she said as images of art work were shown from kids of all ages.

Coronavirus has claimed the lives of 3600 people in the UK. Roughly 48,000 people in the UK have tested positive for the virus, according to their Department of Health and Social Care. And, as of the address, over one million people worldwide have contracted COVID-19. The crisis has hit incredibly close to home for the queen. Her son, Prince Charles, tested positive for the illness in early March. A March 25 statement from the palace revealed that Charles, 71, had a “mild” form of coronavirus, and had quarantined at his residence at Scotland before getting the all-clear. They determined that the earliest he could have been contagious was March 13, after he had last seen his mother.

After British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, 55, also tested positive for COVID-19, Buckingham Palace released a statement to assure the public that the queen was doing well. “She is following all the appropriate advice with regards to her welfare. Her Majesty the Queen remains in good health.” The queen and prime minister have continued having their regularly scheduled meetings — just over the phone, now. Prior to both diagnoses, Queen Elizabeth, along with the rest of the royal family, said that they are striving to “protect the most vulnerable” in the UK.

“Many of us will need to find new ways of staying in touch with each other and making sure that loved ones are safe,” the queen said in the March 19 statement. “I am certain we are up to that challenge. You can be assured that my family and I stand ready to play our part.”