New York City Claps & Cheers For Essential Workers — Watch Heartwarming Videos

New York City strong! Residents of the Big Apple have been proudly showing their support for the healthcare community, clapping and cheering them on each night!

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This just warms our hearts! The boroughs of New York are banding together to applaud the incredibly hardworking healthcare professionals and essential workers who are risking their lives amidst the COVID-19 outbreak. Residents all over the city step onto their balconies or lean outside their windows to ecstatically cheer and yell at 7 p.m. each night, and the event has been going viral! Videos taken in every borough show just how loud the applause for the nurses, doctors, ambulance workers and others was, and it’s incredible to see people banding together.

Shortly after the daily moment, New Yorkers proudly share videos on social media using the hashtag #ClapBecauseWeCare. “NYC claps for the healthcare workers and first responders every night at 7pm and brings tears to everyone’s eyes!” @AskWass tweeted, along with a clip showing just how loud residents were in Manhattan!

“The West Village in NYC came out tonight on their roofs to thank the Healthcare workers here in the city, the country and around the world,” user @cjpressner captioned another incredible video in the city’s West Village neighborhood. “Thank you for all you do. #StayHome  @NBCNewYork #clapbecausewecare,” they added. Brooklyn was also loud-and-proud as residents of all ages and species — yup, there were even some barking dogs — stepping out to demonstrate support!

The support comes amidst NYC in crisis, leading the number of COVID related cases across the nation with 102,987 confirmed infections and 2,935 deaths, according to CNN. Experts have noted, however, that the numbers are much higher due to unconfirmed cases or asymptomatic carriers. Across the United States, there are now more than 275,000 cases and 7,087 deaths, CNN reports as of 8:30 p.m. ET on Friday, April 3.

New York City joins a lengthy list of communities around the world who have been banding together with a 7 p.m. clap, including cities in Italy, France, Canada and throughout the United States.