After Kim Kardashian clapped back at Taylor Swift for ‘reigniting’ their feud, Todrick Hall went OFF on the ‘KUWTK’ star, and demanded the ‘stubborn’ Kim apologize to his friend Taylor!
“I cannot stand this woman!” Todrick Hall said of Kim Kardashian at the start of the lengthy rant he posted to his Instagram Stories on Mar. 24. The entertainer/friend of Taylor Swift came to the “Lover” singer’s defense after Kim, 39, accused the “self-serving” Taylor, 30, of reigniting their feud following the alleged leak of the full 2016 Kanye West “Famous” phone call. Todrick was having none of Kim’s remarks, and he attacked each one of them on his IG Story. Things got a bit nasty. It all boiled down to this one comment from Todrick to Kim: “Just apologize, you self-absorbed entitled, stubborn little q—f.”
“Don’t know Kim, only met her once, and to be honest, she was kind,” wrote Todrick at the end. “But this is not the example she should be setting for her children or her audience. TO belittle what she’s done to my friend is disrespectful at this point. Would it be SOOOO difficult for her to just say ‘I’m sorry, Taylor. I didn’t think about the fact that we didn’t tell you [that] you were being recorded. We called you out of the blue to promote my husband’s music THAT ISN’T YOURS after acted like a damn fool in front of millions and hasn’t publicly apologized. I don’t make music, and I never thought of how this put an even larger target on your back than there already was, and for that, I apologize. Hope we can be friends in the future.’ Instead, she wants to make Taylor seem immature for responding to footage that Taylor didn’t release.”
Hours afterward, Todrick took down his rant. “Sorry for venting today, but plz don’t f*ck with my friends,” he posted online. “Thank you to @mikalahgordon for reminding me what’s important at this time! No time for drama. Taking a break from social media, and by break, I mean, I’ll be back on in an hour.” He was right – he went on Instagram Live shortly afterward to defend Taylor’s right to address the “Famous” scandal. He also defended his response. “Friendship is a word that gets tossed around that doesn’t mean sh-t to people. …If you’re friends, you stand up for your friends…” He ended his Live session with a call for peace. “We all have to take a moment, myself included, to realize that we’re human and we are going make mistakes. And you can be man or woman enough …to say ‘I’m sorry.’ ”
Instagram/Todrick Hall
Todrick Hall slams Kim Kardashian in support of his friend Taylor Swift:
“After your Ray J video and publicly documenting every crevice of your v*gina…I HIGHLY doubt that you’re embarrassed NOW to respond to this”
This latest chapter( in the feud that will never die) came about after the full 2016 phone call between Kimye and Tay supposedly leaked online. In this alleged conversation, Kanye, 42, doesn’t tell Taylor that his song “Famous” would refer to her as a “b*tch,” just like she claimed. The call also revealed that Kanye (allegedly) asked her to promote the song on her Twitter account. She said doing so would make the song “less cool,” and she warned against putting out a song with such a message. The call doesn’t mention how the video had a wax figure of a naked Taylor Swift lying in bed with a bunch of other famous (wax) figures, another issue Todrick attacked in his rant.
Following the leak of the alleged uncut call, Taylor subtweeted about the drama, prompting Kim to clap back. Lines were drawn. Khloe Kardashian backed up her sister. Taylor’s publicist, Tree Paine, shared her “UNEDITED” original statement (“[Taylor] declined and cautioned him about releasing a song with such a strong misogynistic message”) before asking, “who did you guys piss off to leak that video?”