‘The Challenge’ Recap: Zach & Amanda Make A Game-Changing Sacrifice For Their Alliances

With their loyalties lying on opposing sides, Zach and Amanda have a tough decision to make on 'The Challenge' -- and they're thrown for a MAJOR loop when they can't come to an agreement.

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Image Credit: Courtesy of MTV

Zach and Amanda are in the power position after winning the last challenge on The Challenge: Final Reckoning, but since they have very different alliances in the game, it’s a tricky situation to be in. Zach is close with Tony, who he promised to NEVER vote in after he got him to the final on The Challenge: Vendettas, and Johnny Bananas and Cara Maria (partnered with Marie). However,  Amanda is aligned with the “Lavender Ladies”: Shane (partnered with Nelson), Sylvia (partnered with Joss) and Ashley (partnered with Hunter), who want to get Johnny and Tony out of the game. Meanwhile, Jozea and Da’Vonne are the swing vote in the middle.

Nelson and Bananas both try to swing Jozea and Da’Vonne over to their respective sides, but the Big Brother alums aren’t ready to make a decision just yet. Amanda tries to convince Zach that Tony can’t be trusted (after all, he voted in Bananas last season), and insists that her alliance is strong until the end. Before the vote, they’re not able to come to an agreement, and they wind up compromising on a “sissy move” by voting for Jozea and Da’Vonne. As expected, other three Lavender Ladies teams vote for Bananas and Tony, while Bananas and Tony and Cara Maria and Marie go for Hunter and Ashley. Jozea and Da’Vonne’s vote will either send Tony and Bananas in, or leave the results in a tie.

At the Armageddon, it’s revealed that Jozea and Da’Vonne voted for Ashley and Hunter. Since there’s a tie, that leaves it up to Zach and Amanda to break the tie. Obviously, they can’t come to an agreement, and TJ Lavin lets them know that if they can’t decide…they’re going in themselves. Zach and Amanda both don’t budge, so they’re going in, and they get to pick their opponent. Unsurprisingly, they go with Jozea and Da’Vonne.


It turns out they’re not going against Jozea and Da’Vonne, though — because a new group of Mercenaries arrive to earn their spot in the game. This time, it’s Devin and Cory. Since it’s so late in the game, it’s not going to be easy to just get in the Main House. Instead, Devin and Cory have to win BOTH elimination challenges. Zach and Amanda are up first, and although they dominate the whole time, Cory and Devin pull out the win at the end. They beat Jozea and Da’Vonne, as well, which means they’ve earned a spot in the game, and both of their competitors are headed to the Redemption House.

Since Cory is close with Hunter and Nelson, this addition to the house is a plus for the Lavender Ladies alliance. Meanwhile, both Cory AND Devin have vendettas against Bananas, so things won’t be easy for Bananas and Tony moving forward!