Another day, another dose of wisdom from Wendy Williams. Paula Patton‘s love life was one of the hot topics of the day on the April 19 episode of The Wendy Williams Show, and things got juicy. Wendy’s a big fan of Paula, and actually said she thinks she’s better off post-divorce from ex-husband Robin Thicke! Paula recently revealed that she started seeing a handsome realtor named Zach Quittman, and they’re both so in love! Here’s the catch: Zach’s technically still a married man.
Hold up. He’s what now? While Paula’s facing scrutiny on social media for getting with a married guy while she kicked Robin out for cheating, Wendy wants haters to pump their breaks. “[Zach] is still married but not in the way you think,” Wendy told the audience. “I just wanted to be dramatic. Apparently, he and his wife are separated and they have a few kids together. He hasn’t even moved is stuff out of his soon-to-be-ex-wife’s house yet…
“[Paula and Zach] met at Julian’s basketball game [the son she and Robin Thicke share],” Wendy said. “This guy is apparently a trust fund guy and a dad. There’s single dads at these games and look how they met, they’re just sitting there innocently cheering. So, she says she’s in love with him. I like them better divorced, Robin and Paula.”
She brings up a great point. Zach and his wife haven’t signed the papers, but they’re estranged. Paula’s not the other woman. “We were totally separated before I moved on,” he told People. He added that they’ve been estranged “for awhile.” Wendy did question one part of Paula and Zach’s romance: the rumor that they’re already living together!
They’ve been dating for a month and he reportedly is already living with her,” Wendy said. “Well, hold on. You know how sometimes your place looks better than his, and it’s not that he moved in. But it was late and he stayed over. He still doesn’t have a key, he doesn’t even have a top drawer, even.” We can’t wait to hear what Wendy says as their relationship progresses!