11-year-old Keaton Jones broke hearts worldwide when his mom Kimberly posted a video that went viral showing him weeping and detailing how he was bullied at school. The story took a disturbing turn when it was revealed that her Facebook account contained images of her kids proudly hoisting the Confederate flag and she allegedly had posted racists statements in the past. Now she’s set the controversial account to private but will not reveal why. “I’ve taken that down for a reason,” Jones told Fox News of her decision without elaborating on what reason is. Hmm…maybe because it had lots of pics of the Stars and Bars which many consider to be racist in this day and age.
After Keaton’s video went viral, movie stars, singers, athletes and more were offering him tickets to concerts, pro sporting games, movie premieres and other high profile events. MMA Bellator fighter Joe Schilling, 33, even reached out personally to Kimberly about flying her son out to LA to attend a fight and got a rude awakening, claiming that she was allegedly after a cash-grab following her son’s bullying video. In a furious Instagram video he looked into the camera and said, “I feel pretty stupid right now. I was pretty moved by Keaton Jones video so I reached out to his mom and was going to bring him out to LA for a Bellator event that’s coming up, big show, and and introduce him to fighters, be his friend, and she just wants money. She just wants me to share her GoFundMe account.” See pics of Keaton, here.
He explained that she allegedly told him, “You know Christmas is coming and I’m a single mother, blah, blah, money’s tight.” Kimberly told Fox that his claims are “untrue.” A GoFundMe account in Keaton’s name had over $58,000 in donations when the news came out that Kimberly had posted racially charged photos and comments on her Facebook. “I did not tell him that I would rather have donations instead of the help from celebrities,” Jones said in an Instagram direct message to the news outlet. Well, the fundraising account has now been placed on hold and Jones is now hiding her Facebook account from the public after using it to share Keaton’s bullying story. It’s amazing how this story took such a 180 degree turn in the last 48 hours.
HollywoodLifers, are you disturbed that Keaton’s mom had Confederate flags all over her Facebook account?