We’re literally shook after the season 2 finale of Shadowhunters on Aug. 14. The cast told HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY that this was going to be a rough one, but we had no idea it would be this devastating. Let’s start from the beginning, when Jonathan washed up on a beach. He was stabbed in episode 19, so we thought he was already dead. However, with his dying breath he called for his “mother” as his blood formed a portal to hell. Demons came flying out of it, and created a problem for the Clave. However, they didn’t hurt anyone, which made Jace, Alec, Clary and Izzy even more concerned. Unfortunately, they had bigger things to focus on.
Very quickly, the Seelie Queen reveals to Simon and Luke that she made a deal with Valentine to let him go to Idris. The duo was in the Seelie realm looking for Maia, who was sent into the confusing and dangerous woods for refusing to talk about Simon. He made some kind of deal with the Seelie Queen to let them all go free, but refused to tell anyone what it was. Click here for pics from Shadowhunters.
Meanwhile, Clary and Jace go to Lake Lin to warm the military that Valentine was on his way. Unfortunately, Consul Malachi already knew that, but turned out to be a secret Circle member! He quickly detains Clary and Jace, and even attempts to cut off Clary’s head! This triggered Jace, who’s eyes began to glow as he broke free of his cuffs and killed everybody. This gave him and Clary the chance to get to Lake Lin! They made it moments before Valentine, but then he snuck up on them and stabbed Jace through the heart! With his dying breath, Jace told Clary he loved her.
Clary tried to attack Valentine, but he knocked her out cold. That’s when he raised the angel, and was moments away from getting his wish of the destruction of all downworlders when Clary woke up and fought him. Finally, he fell as she stabbed him repeatedly in the chest, killing him! Because he was gone, she was able to get the angel’s wish instead, and she chose to save Jace with it! They kissed passionately when he woke up, but something still seemed off. He didn’t tell Alec what happened, and asked Clary to keep it a secret. At a celebration party, he seemed to be writhing in pain, as something was horribly wrong.
At the same party, Malec reunited, and we couldn’t be happier for them! But a new couple seems to have come forward… Simon and the Seelie Queen! As he returned to the Seelie realm, he said “for better or for worse,” leading us to believe that he agreed to marry the queen in exchange for Luke and Maia’s safety. Oh no!
All of the downworlders and shadowhunters think they have won the war and are finally safe since Valentine is dead, but the very last moment of the show proved that there’s no way it will last. All of the demons that had flown in from Eden gathered in a cave and fused together to create a woman, who caresses Jonathan’s face. Could it be a reincarnation of Clary’s mom Jocelyn? Or a demon that took care of him in Eden so he considers her a “mother”? Unfortunately, it looks like we’ll have to wait until season 3 to find out!
HollywoodLifers, what did you think of the Shaodhwunters season finale? Let us know!