Courtney Stodden Reveals ‘Traumatic’ Miscarriage Drove Her To Scary Pill Addiction

At 13 weeks pregnant, Courtney Stodden suffered a miscarriage in July. Since, she's been spiraling downwards, turning to drugs & alcohol to 'numb' her pain. Admitting in a recent interview she hasn't been coping with her loss well, Court's finally ready to battler her 'demons.'

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Courtney Stodden
Image Credit: FameFlyNet

Talk about powerful stuff. Courtney Stodden, 22, found herself in a nightmare last July when she suddenly lost the child she was carrying at three months pregnant. The loss of her first baby with now-estranged husband Doug Hutchison, 56, ended up acting as a catalyst to a series of other “traumatic” occurrences in her life, and as a result, the blonde bombshell became dependent on prescription drugs and alcohol. Regularly mixing champagne with her anti-anxiety medication, Courtney admitted to Daily Mail that she now recognizes the slippery path she’s on — and she wants help. “I didn’t want to get comfortable and keep doing that and then not wake up one day,” the celeb told the publication.

And while it’s still difficult for Courtney to talk about her miscarriage, the reality star is seeking help from The Doctors, and will appear on the May 18 episode of the show. She’s set to receive advice from the on-set experts while explaining her “personal torment” and how she’ll be moving forward after her tough year. Ahead of her on-air appearance, Courtney told DM that she’s always dealt with anxiety and depression — things she’s tried to suppress from the beginning. However, two years ago her anxiety worsened, and that’s when she “spiraled out of control.”

Not long after that, she announced she was separating from her husband, whom she married at the tender age of 16, following her heartbreaking miscarriage. To cope, Courtney was prescribed anti-anxiety medication. “I was suppressing my emotions and finding distractions, partying with friends and having a different persona,” the young woman explained. “Right now I’m trying to dig myself out of that hole,” she added, while saying she could see herself getting to the point of reliance on the pills.

“I want some sense of normalcy now. I don’t know if I’m coping in the most healthy way,” Courtney continued. “I’m partying too hard probably. I have been taking anti-anxiety mediation, otherwise I feel like I’m going to jump out the window.” Sounds like Courtney is definitely getting the help she needs. The star added, “I don’t want to get into a self-destructive pattern. If I continue down this path then I’m going to end up there.” We commend Courtney for being so brave and not only opening up about her tragic miscarriage, but also about her painful addiction. We wish her all the best!

Tell us, HollywoodLifers — are you shocked Courtney has been suffering alone for so long? Do you think she’s brave for finally getting help?