If you’re heading on vacation but you want a base tan and a toned tummy in little to no time, then you’re going to freak out because a spray tan can actually help you FAKE toned tummy and give you a sunless glow — what more could you ask for? We got all of the tanning tips you need to know, from St. Tropez Skin Finishing Expert, Sophie Evans, and you are going to be obsessed. Before we get into prep, application, and maintenance, we need to know: can a spray tan make you look skinnier? Sophie says, YES. “A layer of self-tan will always make you look slightly more contoured and defined but being contoured properly will always win 1st place when it comes to making the body look super toned and defined.”
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How to fake a toned tummy:
1. “You should do an all over base with a lighter self-tan then use a darker self-tan, which will contain more self-tanning agent ( DHA), to really create a defined contoured look.”
2. “Using the same color for the base and simply applying more of the same product on the body’s natural contours will just blend in and develop the same so you need to use two different strengths of self-tanners.”
WOW! Now that we know a spray tan can in fact, make you appear skinnier, Sophie gave us helpful tips on what you need to know before you go for your spray tan, including the fact that you need to get your tan 2 days before vacation to let the tan set:
– “When self-applying the St.Tropez self tan formula, which can last up to 10 days, use applicator mitts so you don’t stain your hands!”
– “Streaks and patches are caused by not using enough product and over rubbing the skin with lack of product. Always use enough product so that the tan can easily glide effortlessly over the skin. If you feel you are pulling and rubbing at the skin you are more than likely causing a streak!”
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– “Exfoliate lightly every 2-3 days while your self tanner is on. This will prevent any tan or color build up and ensure that your tan is always fading evenly. People would not imagine how important it is to exfoliate while the tan is on. You must use a very gentle body polisher, St Tropez Body Polisher, because it will not rip or tear at the skin and will keep the tan even as it starts to fade, which will naturally occur over the course of 5-10 days.”
– “Also because of tight clothing and excessive sweating due to exercise, certain areas will fade more quickly than others. A light exfoliation every few days will keep the color even and also prevent darker color build-up from regular self tanner applications.”
– “Always bring a light gradual self-tanner with you which will put the glow back into your tan that the sweat, chlorine and excess rubbing of the skin has taken away.”
Now that you guys know about spray tans, will you try it out yourself?