Kim Kardashian, John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, Beyoncé, Selena Gomez and so many more Hollywood stars are using their power as influencers to demand that Congress take action to end gun violence.
Stars are speaking out and tweeting in the wake of the horrific Orlando nightclub and Christine Grimmie shootings. They have spoken out repeatedly after the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Aurora movie theater, Fort Hood and Charleston Church massacres, pleading that it’s time for Congress to pass at least some gun safety legislation.
Kim took to her Twitter on June 21 after the Senate, not surprisingly, refused to pass any of the four gun control measures finally allowed to be brought to the floor, following the murders of 49 innocent people in Orlando.
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Kim, like many who support sensible gun safety legislation, was disappointed that the Senate, led by Republicans refused to seriously consider any of the our proposals brought forward for consideration.
John Legend took to Twitter on June 20 to exhort his followers:
Sadly, the NRA threatens to hurt politicians who support gun safety legislation. “We have a God-given right to defend ourselves and firearms are an effective means of doing just that,” insisted Chris Cox, the executive director of the NRA’s Institute For Legislative Action, who told the ABC show, The Week, recently.
“The politicians who want to divert attention away from the underlying problems that suggest that we’re somehow to blame will pay a price,” he threatened. The threat is aimed primarily at Republican politicians who receive campaign donations from the NRA. The threat is that contributions will be withheld. But, hello, where in the Bible does God say we have the right own assault weapons?
Meanwhile, 30,000 Americans are dying each year now from gun violence. That’s just as many as who die in car accidents, and car accident deaths have been reduced by 36 percent due to effective safety measures in the past 20 years. As a comparison, less than 60,000 Americans died in the entire Viet Nam war!
Today, as I write, Democrats in Congress are staging a sit-in, vowing to force their Republican counterparts to give a hearing on more gun control measures. They want this done this week, in light of the Orlando shootings, and before Congress goes on a week-long break.
“We have lost hundreds and thousands of innocent people to gun violence. Tiny little children. Babies. Students. And teachers. Mothers and fathers. Sisters and brothers. Daughters and sons. Friends and neighbors. And what has this body done? Mr. Speaker (Paul Ryan), not one thing,” denounced Rep. John Lewis.
So, if you want to stand with him, with John and Chrissy, with Debra Messing, Olivia Wilde, Amy Schumer, your Democratic representatives staging their sit-in and more, tweet using the #NoBillNoBreak hashtag or contact your own Congressperson now.
Hollywoodlifers — would you like to see some sensible gun safety legislation finally passed? Let me know.
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