“Every time we train together I forget he’s 61 years old. So much respect for this guy,” Aaron captioned the photo that shows the actor lifting dumbbells and showing off his seriously huge muscles. Aaron also added the hashtag “OldManCranking.”
Of course, we cannot wait for Justice League, and this just gives us one more reason! This movie marks yet another comic book film for J.K.; he’s one of the only actors to go back and forth from both Marvel (in Spider-Man) and DC Comics films.
“Honestly, when I was playing JJJ, as the Marvel people call him, he seemed like a character to me that I just did my absolute best to just rip off the pages of the comic books,” he told Stephen Colbert in April about his Spider-man character, J. Jonah Jameson. “Truthfully, Commissioner Gordon I still have to do a lot of work on. I gotta figure out what my take is going to be.”
Well, we have a feeling he’s really getting into character. We knew this would be much different than any other series we’ve seen, but the past Commissioner Gordons on the big and small screen, look nothing like this. Ben McKenzie in Gotham? Gary Oldman in The Dark Knight Rises? You probably remember that neither of those look as intense as J.K. is.
So what do you think? Do you want to see Justice League?