Ariel Castro Terminated Multiple Kidnapping Victims’ Pregnancies

Ariel Castro's sentencing began on August 1 and horrific new details reveal that he purposefully and brutally aborted multiple pregnancies that occurred after he raped his kidnapping hostages. Sentencing began on August 1 for Ariel Castro, who confessed to imprisoning and raping three women inside of his Cleveland, Ohio home. Haunting new details about this horrific kidnapping and abuse case have emerged thanks to brave testimony from Michelle Knight, one of the survivors of Ariel's horrible kidnapping.

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Ariel Castro Forced Abortions
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Michelle Knight Told Police: She Was Pregnant ‘Multiple Times’

A police officer testified at Ariel Castro’s August 1 sentencing, saying that kidnapping victim Michelle Knight “told police she was pregnant multiple times while being held captive and that Ariel Castro would starve her, feed her rotten food, punch her and kick her down stairs, which resulted in the termination of her pregnancies.”

Michelle, now 32, was kidnapped by Ariel Castro in 2002. She, along with other victims Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus “told police they were tied up with extension cords, duct tape, plastic ties and chains after their abduction,” Detective Andrew Harasimchuk testified.

“All three women told Detective Andrew Harasimchuk that they had been repeatedly raped “vaginally, orally and anally” during their captivity,” reports CNN. “The victims also said they had helmets placed on their heads before being sexually assaulted.”

Ariel has a 6-year-old daughter with another one of his victims, Amanda, who is now 22.

Ariel Castro Pleads Guilty To 937 Counts

Ariel Castro pleaded guilty on July 26 to 937 counts, “including murder and kidnapping, in a deal that dropped a possible death penalty in exchange for life in prison plus 1,000 years,” reports CNN. This is the expected outcome for his August 1 sentencing.

WATCH: CNN: Ariel Castro — Victim Michelle Knight Expected To Speak At Sentencing

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— Kristine Hope Kowalski

More Ariel Castro News:

  1. Ariel Castro Requests Visit With 6-Year-Old Daughter Before Trial
  2. Ariel Castro Indicted By Grand Jury On 329 Counts
  3. Ariel Castro’s Daughter Calls Him A ‘Monster’ — Watch New Interview