'Sister Wives' Recap: Kody Brown Accused – You Became A Polygamist To Get Attention, Say Friends!

Kody visits his small hometown of Lovell, Wyoming with his four wives and faces off with his disapproving,accusatory  high school classmates, in the series best episode yet. I have to hand it to Kody Brown -- he's got gumption. Not only has he gone public and been run out of the state of Utah but now he deliberately set off to face-off with his former high school haters.

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He traveled back with all 16 of his kids and four wives to publicly ask his strict Mormon home town to start to tolerate his family and beliefs.

Chief among his frenemies is his former BFF Ken Grant, who turned his back on Kody after Kody converted to a Mormon offshoot fundamentalist sect when he returned from a two year mission to preach Mormonism following high school.

Ken doesn’t just think Kody is “stupid” for becoming a polygamist, he also worries about him “eternally.” “We personally feel he has an issue come judgement day and I feel bad,” says Ken in confrontational meeting with Kody and his old high school classmates.

Kody had gone back to Lovell for the town’s annual celebration with a “scarlet letter”, he said,  on his shoulder. “I just don’t know who’s going to ostracize us,” he told us.

But when Kody, Robyn, Janelle, Christina, and Meri actually did  the sit down with Kody’s high school crowd, his peers may have actually hit the crux of Kody’s polygamy obsession right on the head.

“Kody hasn’t changed a bit – he loves the limelight. It’s no surprise he went public with his lifestyle,” Ken said.

It quickly emerges that Kody has been an attention-hog since way back.

“When I heard he was a polygamist, I thought he was the dorky boy trying to be the center of attention all the time,” blurted out his former crush, Janae Horman. “It’s a built in way for him to be the center of attention all the time, How could you not be with four wives and sixteen children.”

Wow! I actually think Janae is a psychological genius and Kody laughed but he turned beet red.

Then Ken brought up that people ask him about Kody’s sex life all the time , as in  –is he a polygamist for multiple woman sex?

Robyn gets really offended by this, but of course Ken has raised a key question that everyone has wondered about.

“It make me angry that people assume Kody’s into [polygamy] for the sexual gratification. They don’t understand who he is,” defended Robyn. “I always say-sex is cheap. Wives aren’t. Kody is a very moral man and we are very moral women.”

It turns out that Kody’s so called best friend is his toughest critic. Aside from worrying about Kody’s eternal damnation, he also warns him that he better not try to confuse him by “twisting” Mormon beliefs and tricking him , Ken, into becoming a polygamist. Ken thinks Kody is “dangerous.”

But that’s not the only accusation Kody is in for. His former high school classmate April Smith claims that in high school “we though he was gay, flamboyantly gay…he had this hair thing and he seemed to have a feminine side.”

Kody just laughed again and responded that he was an early “metrosexual” because he’s always been hair obsessed! Well, we can all see that that’s still true!

So congrats to Kody and his sister wives for continuing to bravely address head on all the controversies and questions EVERYONE has about polygamy.

Oh, and for those of you who were wondering what baby #17 will be named, it’s…Solomon!

— Bonnie Fuller

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