‘The Unicorn’ is a new CBS comedy that is currently in its first season. The show follows a tight-knit group of best friends and family who help Wade embrace his new normal in the wake of his wife’s death. Wade is a devoted single parent to his two adolescent daughters and is trying to start dating again. Much to his disbelief, Wade is a hot commodity with women. His friends explain that he’s the perfect single guy — a unicorn. He’s employed, attractive, and ready to commit. With his daughters and friends supporting him, Wade is hoping he’ll find happiness again. ‘The Unicorn’ stars Walton Goggins as Wade, Rob Corddry as Forrest, Michaela Watkins as Delia, Omar Miller as Ben, Maya Lynne Robinson as Michelle, Ruby Jay as Grace, and Makenzie Moss as Natalie. See more photos of ‘The Unicorn’ in our gallery now.