Adetokumboh M’Cormack directs and stars in ‘The German King,’ a film that is based on the true story of King Rudolf Manga Bell from Cameroon who rebelled against German colonialization in 1914. German Kaiser Wilhelm II was an oppressive colonial ruler who controlled the third largest empire at the time, behind Great Britain and France. Germany had several terriroties in Africa and many were taken after the start of World War I. Unfortunately, Cameroon was one of that last terrorities to be freed from German rule in 1916.
Director Adetokumboh M’Cormack felt that King Rudolf Manga Bell’s story of rebellion and self-sacrafice needed to be shared because it had not been largely studied or publicized even within Africa. M’Cormack wrote ‘The German King’ so that King Bell’s bravery and strong stance in defending his people would not continue to go unrecognized, as being proud of where you come from is of the upmost importance.