Harry Styles, 29, had a recent rendezvous with a woman from his past. The Grammy Award winner was spotted on a security footage walking alongside model Kiko Muzihara, 32, in the early morning streets of Tokyo on March 26, four years after the pair sparked romance rumors. Kiko sweetly opened up her umbrella to cover Harry, who was pointing at something. The “As It Was” singer hung out with Kiko just hours after he kissed model Emily Ratajkowski, 31.
It was back in January 2019 that Harry was romantically linked to Kiko, after the former One Direction member dated model Camille Rowe. Harry and Kiko sparked romance rumors after they began following each other on Instagram. Around the same time, a video surfaced of them hanging out at a birthday party. However, neither Harry nor Kiko ever confirmed if they were romantically involved. Read on to find out more about Kiko!
Even though Harry spent time with Kiko in Japan, she was actually born in the states! Kiko moved around the world to Tokyo, Japan, when she was only two years old.
Kiko’s parents divorced when she was 13.
Kiko got her start with Seventeen through a contest they held! She worked with the magazine for three years before moving to runway jobs. Kiko has been in other magazines like Vogue, Nylon, GQ, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, V Magazine, Cosmpolitan, and more!
Kiko’s known for her modeling, but has also dipped her toes in acting – both movies and television shows – and designing! She is an impressive woman, for sure.
As a model, Kiko gets to travel all over for jobs. She recently traveled to London, as evidenced by her Instagram post. She has over 7 million followers on Instagram, and she frequently posts from her travel adventures. Since Harry travels all over the world for his career, we’re sure they have plenty to talk about when they see one another!
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