Hunter Metts is one of the beloved contestants on season 19 of American Idol. During the show’s April 12 episode, Hunter was announced as one of the ten finalists who was voted through to the next round by viewers. The judges then chose two more artists to round out the top 12, and those 12 singers will take the stage once again on April 18.
During the top 12 live show, Hunter and the other remaining artists will each sing and Oscar-nominated songs to try and impress the judges and viewers. Only nine of those singers will move on after America’s votes. The top 10 will then be rounded out after ten finalists from season 18 return to perform once again, with just one nabbing the final spot. Before this all goes down, learn more about Hunter below:
Season 19 was not the first time that Hunter auditioned for American Idol. Unfortunately, he couldn’t get on the show the first time he tried because his sister was working at Disney, which is ABC’s parent company, at the time. “This is my third time trying to come to American Idol,” Hunter told the judges during his audition. “My first time, [my sister] was currently working at Disney, and it was seen as a conflict of interest. The following year when I expressed interest in doing it again, she quit her job.”
Although music is Hunter’s passion, he also has a “regular” job while trying to pursue his career in the industry. Hunter came to American Idol as a Software Developer. He works at Owen Technologies, LLC, in Nashville, according to his LinkedIn. Before that, he briefly worked at the Nashville company,, as well. In high school, Hunter as a bus boy and waiter at the Franklin Chop House.
Hunter graduated from Centennial High School in Franklin, Tennessee in 2017. In order to pursue a career in software development, Hunter attended Nashville Software School in 2018 and 2019. During his time there, he was a Junior Full Stack Software Developer.
Sorry, ladies, but it appears that Hunter is taken man! His girlfriend is named Elli and she is a nursing student at Belmont University. Although Hunter’s Instagram page is mostly full of American Idol pics these days, he has various photos with Elli in 2020. Elli’s Instagram is private, but her profile photo is of herself and Hunter.
Although Hunter is using American Idol as a platform to help his career in music, he actually already has music on streaming platforms. He released his songs “The River” and “Loaded Gun” in 2021.
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