The adventures of Shazam continue in the upcoming sequel film. The DC Comics character, who is the superhero alter ego of a troubled teenage orphan from Philadelphia named Billy Batson, made his live-action film debut in 2019’s Shazam! Zachary Levi, 42, played Shazam and he’s reprising the role in the highly-anticipated sequel, Shazam! Fury Of The Gods. The latest trailer for the sequel set in the DC Extended Universe was released on January 26, 2023 and it teases Shazam’s big battle with the Daughters of Atlas.
The first Shazam! received positive reviews from critics and grossed $366 million at the worldwide box office. Fans are so excited for the sequel, which will introduce new heroes and villains as Shazam faces his greatest challenge yet. Here’s everything we know so far about Shazam! Fury Of The Gods, including the cast, filming details, and more.
The official description for Shazam 2 reads, “Teenager Billy Batson and his foster siblings, who transform into adult superheroes by saying ‘Shazam!’, fight the daughters of Atlas.” In the first trailer, Shazam doubts his competence as a superhero and even calls himself a “fraud.” But The Ancient Wizard warns Billy that “the fate of the worlds” depends on him defeating the Daughters of Atlas who are “coming” for him.
Kalypso and Hespera, two of the daughters of Atlas, appear to be the main antagonists in Shazam! Fury of the Gods. The sisters rebuild the Wizard’s power-transferring staff that Billy broke in the first film. “Children stole the power of all the Gods. This is very personal,” Hespera says in the first trailer. Anthea, another daughter of Atlas, also appears in the first trailer but it doesn’t seem like she’s on her sisters’ side.
In the second trailer, Hespera attacks Shazam while they’re eating lunch together. He unites with the other super-powered foster kids to take on the Daughters of Atlas. Shazam declares that they “have one job to do: save the world.” Shazam has an epic face off with Kalypso — who is riding a dragon! — in a destructive battle.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods is scheduled to be released in theaters on March 17, 2023. The film will be available to stream on HBO Max sometime after its theatrical run. Warner Bros. Pictures is distributing the sequel.
The Shazam! sequel’s release date has been shuffled by Warner Bros. multiple times. It was originally set for release on April 1, 2022, and then November 4, 2022. It was delayed again to June 2, 2023 due to production delays related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Shazam 2 was then moved up to a December 16, 2022 release date, before being delayed by five days to December 21 to avoid competition with Disney’s Avatar 2. In August 2022, Warner Bros. gave the film a March 17, 2023 release date which is still set in stone.
Shazam 2 will come out five months after Black Adam, a spin-off of Shazam! It starred Dwayne Johnson as the titular character who is bestowed powers of the Egyptian gods and becomes Shazam’s arch-enemy. The other DC Extended Universe films that come out in 2023 after Shazam! Fury of the Gods are The Flash (June 16, 2023), Blue Beetle (August 18, 2023), and Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (December 25, 2023).
David F. Sandberg is directing Shazam: Fury of the Gods just like the first film. Henry Gayden returned to write the script joined by Chris Morgan. Peter Safran is the head producer of the sequel. The creative team also includes cinematographer Gyula Pados, editor Michel Aller, and music composer Christophe Beck. The production companies behind Shazam 2 are New Line Cinema, DC Films, The Safran Company, and Seven Bucks Productions.
The director delivered a teaser about the sequel via Twitter in June 2022. “It’s a MUCH bigger movie than the first one,” David F. Sandberg wrote. “There’s so much stuff that I can’t wait for people to see. I hope they put a lot of it in the trailer. I don’t even care about spoilers, I’m just eager to show off our creatures, action, etc.”
Filming on Shazam: Fury of the Gods was supposed to begin in mid-2020 but was delayed due to the pandemic. The cast and crew officially started shooting the sequel on May 26, 2021 in Atlanta, Georgia. Filming wrapped on August 31, 2021. HollywoodLife will continue to update you on Shazam: Fury of the Gods right here!
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