Priyanka Chopra showed off a series of moments from a getaway with husband Nick Jonas, 31, and their daughter Malti Marie, 2, in a sweet Instagram post on Thursday. In photos and video clips you can see below, the former Miss World hilariously giggled alongside her husband outside the Plow & Angel restaurant in Santa Barbara, and then snuggled up next to him for an affectionate selfie. Pri wore a cute black beanie cap and matching mock turtleneck for the outing, and the “Spaceman” hitmaker rocked a red trucker hat and gray hoodie.
Another clip showed their hands tightly clasped as they walked on a deserted beach, and Priyanka snapped a flawless rear view mirror selfie while sitting in a car. She also shared a couple of glimpses of Malti, 2. In one pic, the toddler played alongside little friends while wearing a sweet sage green dress and white cardigan, and in another, she enjoyed story time with a grown up. A final clip showed Pri enjoying life in a plush white Chanel robe while standing on a deck. “Lately,” she captioned the January 25 carousel, alongside a red heart emoji. “Full heart, full tummy,” she added.
Followers of the Isn’t it Romantic actress, 41, took to the comments section to gush over the photo carousel of their Santa Barbara getaway. “Love your beautiful family and life! It radiates happiness and love thank you for sharing small glimpses with us,” gushed a fan, while another fussed, “I’m so happy for you. Malti is the cutest baby girl.”
“Ya’ll are so cute…. and we stan Nick!” enthused a third. A fourth had a pointed request. “Pull up to UC Santa Barbz next time,” they wrote.
Nick and his stunning wife married in a lavish, multi day celebration in 2018, and welcomed their daughter in January of 2022 via surrogate. In an interview last year, Priyanka opened up about why she’s kept Malti’s life private. “I’ve been really protective of this chapter of my life with my daughter,” she told British Vogue for the January 2023 interview. “Because it’s not about my life only. It’s hers too.”
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