Nicole Kidman showed some skin during her latest red carpet appearance. The Oscar winner, 56, wore a black backless gown to the premiere of her new Prime Video series, Expats, in New York City on Sunday, January 21. Nicole’s gown had cutout sides and a thigh-high slit that exposed more of her skin. The inside of her dress was lined in green silk.
Along with her sexy gown, Nicole had on a pair of black heels for the night out. She accessorized her look with long silver earrings and matching bracelets and rings. The Big Little Lies star wore her hair down and rocked a touch of makeup including dark red lipstick.
Nicole’s new show is based on Janice Y.K. Lee’s 2016 novel The Expatriates, which follows three women in Hong Kong throughout different stages of their lives. In a recent interview with The Guardian, Nicole opened up about how she struggled to shoot the scene where her character, Margaret, loses her son.
“I said, I cannot, cannot do this.’ It was like when a donkey just goes, ‘I’m not going,’ ” she explained. “I was alone in Hong Kong without my family, which was a terrible mistake. I couldn’t just get on a plane and get to them. And they couldn’t get to me. That affected the performance, to the degree that it also affected my psyche.”
“But it was like the domestic violence storyline in Big Little Lies. I think: people go through this, my job is to be the conduit and perform it to its absolute authentic truth,” the Emmy Award winner added. “And if I’m not doing that, then I’m not serving why I work as an actor, which is to artistically connect to the way life is, in all its pain and glory.”
Nicole both stars in and executive produces Expats. The show was created by Lulu Wang, who wrote and directed the 2019 film The Farewell. The first two episodes of Expats premiere Friday, January 26 on Prime Video.
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