Priyanka Chopra posted a few new family photos on Instagram on Saturday, January 6. The actress, 41, shared a few glimpses from a family vacation to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico with her husband Nick Jonas, 31, and their daughter Malti Marie, 1. It looked like the two stars had a blast ringing in the new year with their daughter with plenty of rest and relaxation.
In a few of the photos, Priyanka and Nick rested on the beach and enjoyed the horizon with Malti. The “Spaceman” singer sported a green, long-sleeve shirt and a matching Rolex cap, while Priyanka sported a white button-down. Their daughter sported a cheetah-print top. In another video, the Baywatch actress held her daughters hands as they looked out at the water. She also shared photos of herself lying down and cuddling Malti, and another shot of the family on the beach at sunset. She also shared a video of the three of them on a boat ride, as well as a shot showing off her and Nick’s stylish outfits, and a stunning poolside selfie.
In the caption, Priyanka opened up about how she needed a recharge, and she said that she was looking forward to going into the new year with her family. “Took some time to feed my soul. 2023 had me spent.. maybe I still am. Here’s to a 2024 highlighted by peace, respite, family, love, joy and community. Hold your loved ones close. We are very lucky if we can. Happy new year,” she wrote.
While Nick and Priyanka have mostly protected their daughter’s privacy, the parents do occasionally share photos of their baby girl. The Jonas Brother did open up a little bit about his daughter’s personality in a Read the Room podcast interview back in November. “It’s so encouraging to be around people like that [who don’t take themselves too seriously],” he said. “We’re seeing it now manifest in our daughter in a way that is brilliant… Her sense of humor and her ability to laugh at situations, and even her mischievous attitude, it’s great.”
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