The Survivor 45 finale begins with Austin Li Coon, Dee Valladares, Jake O’Kane, Katurah Topps, and Julie Alley arriving at a new camp after Drew Basile‘s blindside at tribal council. Austin and Dee hash things out after Austin wasn’t included in voting out Drew and they make up. The next morning, the final five have to count the number of items at different stations correctly to earn an advantage in the next challenge. Jake wins the advantage.
At the immunity challenge, the players have to dig up machetes and chop a rope to release sandbags that they’ll toss into three nets. Once they solve a combination lock to get three keys, they have to climb up a wall and then solve a three-tier puzzle. Jake’s advantage is that he only has to throw one sandbag instead of three. Jake and Austin are the first two people to get to the puzzle, followed by Katurah and then Dee and Julie. Austin wins immunity and secures a spot in the final four. He also gets to go on a reward and he brings Jake with him.
When the three women return to camp, Katurah tries to convince Julie to vote Dee out, but Julie wants to eliminate Jake. Dee is onboard to vote out Jake. At the reward, Jake tells Austin that he has the Hidden Immunity Idol. When the boys get back to camp, Austin tells Dee about Jake’s idol. Jake tells Katurah who again tries to push targeting Dee. Before leaving for tribal, Austin talks to Dee about getting rid of Julie, but Dee prefers to put down Katurah’s name.
At tribal council, Jake plays his idol for Katurah, but it only negates one vote. Julie is eliminated from the two votes that were cast by Katurah and Austin. Julie becomes the seventh member of the jury.
The final four immunity challenge involves stacking on a wobbly metal structure. Dee dominates the challenge and wins the final immunity of the season. Dee decides to bring Austin with her to the final three and send Katurah and Jake into the fire-making challenge. Jake makes fire first. Katurah is eliminated and becomes the eighth and final member of the jury.
At the final tribal council, Dee, Austin, and Jake all argue their cases to the jury for why they should win the $1 million grand prize. Jake explains how he was the underdog of the season and should get credit for surviving until the end. Dee and Austin talk about how they were both in control throughout the game and were vital to the success of the Reba alliance. Dee ends up revealing to everyone that she told Julie to play her idol at the final seven, much to Austin’s surprise.
It’s time for the jury to vote for the winner. Jake gets zero votes and comes in third place. Austin gets three votes… while Dee gets five votes and wins Survivor 45!
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