Priyanka Chopra got teary-eyed while supporting Nick Jonas as he kicked off the start of the Jonas Brothers‘ Five Albums One Night tour at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx on Saturday, Aug. 12. The actress, 41, was seen brushing some tears from her eyes as they launched into their set with “Celebrate.” She was clearly super proud of her husband, 30, and his brothers at the historic show.
As horns began the start of the JoBros’ opening number, a fan caught a video of Priyanka wiping tears from both of her eyes, and she looked so proud as she sat in the VIP section. At the show, she rocked a black-and-white checkered crop top, as well as a leather jacket and black skirt. She shared a few photos of herself and Nick looking ready to “celebrate” before the gig on her Instagram, and the “Jealous” singer sported an all-white outfit.
In her caption, she gushed about what a great time she had at the first night of the tour and complimented her hubby. “You are a magnet, Nick Jonas. MM and I are so lucky to have you,” she wrote, referring to their one-year-old daughter Malti. “Congratulations on the start of an incredible tour. You’re all in for a huge ride! Let’s gooooo! Great job JB team the Band, the crew. The show was seamless and awe inspiring.”
The two nights at Yankee Stadium were the first of over 90 shows spanning the globe where the Jonas Brothers will play all of their albums in one night. The tour will continue through the summer and will wrap up in June 2024 at the SSE Arena in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Kevin revealed that the setlist really is going to hit every song in their discography in an exclusive interview with HollywoodLife. “We’re playing everything on the five albums, and some other singles as well. Yes, every song. Everyone isn’t really [grasping] that,” he said ahead of the run.
Priyanka wasn’t the only Jonas wife to share well-wishes with her husband. Kevin’s wife Danielle Jonas posted a photo of her husband giving one of their daughters a kiss on the cheek. “Good luck kisses before opening night,” she wrote.
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