Selena Gomez turned 31 on Saturday and celebrated with a star-studded bash. The Only Murders in the Building star took to Instagram to share various photos from the eventful night and looked gorgeous. She wore a red sleeveless mini dress that had floral detail all over it and matching black and red strappy heels, and accessorized with small silver hoop earrings.
The birthday girl had some of her hair pulled back with a strand hanging loose on one side. She also wore flattering makeup that included lipstick that went perfectly with her look. At one point, the beauty added a black blazer over her dress in some of the photos.
In addition to looking epic, Selena was joined by a lot of friends that made for an impressive party. Some of her fellow celeb buddies included Paris Hilton and Christina Aguilera. She posed for photos with them and other guests and they all enjoyed dancing and a delicious-looking birthday cake that had white frosting and red floral detail that matched Selena’s dress perfectly.
Selena captioned her set of birthday photos with the simple caption of “31” and she received a lot of compliments from fans. Some called her “beautiful” and gushed over her dress. “Happy Birthday beautiful!😍 So much fun celebrating with you last night!🥰,” Paris also shared in the comments section.
Before she celebrated her birthday at her party, Selena made headlines when she shared a different birthday post that included a photo of her sitting in front of an “S” shaped cake. She also added a lengthy caption that talked about what she is grateful for. “I am thankful for so much in my life and one of the things I am most thankful for is the work we’ve been able to do with the Rare Impact Fund through @Rarebeauty,” she wrote. “Because of YOU we’ve been able to raise awareness and increase access to mental health services for young people.”
“This is my true passion in life,” her caption continued. “People keep asking me what I want for my birthday, and I tell everyone the same thing please do not get me anything but if you want to do something for my birthday, please donate to the Rare Impact Fund. If you have the means, consider donating to help us make a difference.”
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