Actor and producer Josh Hartnett stepped out to make a rare public appearance at the London premiere of Oppenheimer with his wife Tamsin Egerton on Thursday, July 13. The pair were photographed walking hand in hand as they arrived at the Odeon Luxe in Leicester Square. Josh, 44, rocked a gray suit that featured baggy, but sophisticated trousers. He wore a baby blue button-down under his blazer and dressed the ‘fit down by leaving some of the top buttons open. Similarly, Ryan Gosling wore no tie and left his top buttons unbuttoned at the Los Angeles and London premieres of Barbie this week.
Meanwhile, Tamsin, 34, looked summery in a flowy sundress that featured a blue and pink floral pattern. Puffy sleeves and strappy gold heels elevated the look. She left her long, blonde hair down and it blew gracefully in the wind.
The black carpet in London, of course, featured all the Oppenheimer stars, including Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Florence Pugh, Rami Malek, and Matt Damon. The film is a historic drama about the invention of the atomic bomb. The cast, however, left the screening before it began in solidarity with the SAG-AFTRA strike, as reported by CNN.
Josh and Tamsin have been together for a decade and got hitched in Nov. 2021 in London. Tamsin also seemingly confirmed the news when she shared a selfie (seen HERE) that showed her wearing a second band with her sparkling engagement ring. The pair are also the proud parents of three children.
They keep their private life under wraps, but Josh made a rare comment about his family during a 2021 profile for Mr Porter. “The thing I am most proud of is that I’m a father of three and I have a good relationship with my partner and a great family life,” he gushed.
He also expressed why he decided to stay low on the radar in Tinseltown. “I don’t know what the possibilities of my life could have been had I chosen different routes, but I will say that in giving in to the allure of Hollywood entirely, I know that I would not have a happy life,” he added. “I feel very strongly about that.”
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