Britney Spears couldn’t keep her hands off of Sam Asghari in a series of new Instagram photos she shared following their first wedding anniversary. The pop icon, 42, took to the ‘gram on Thursday, June 22 to share snaps of her and her 29-year-old hubby posing together with huge smiles on their faces. In the third photo she posted, seen below, Sam held Britney up as she straddled her legs around him. He looked up at her with a huge grin on his face, while the “Toxic” singer smiled back.
Other photos from Thursday showed the sweet couple smiling together on a walkway that led to the water and posing with each other back to back. Britney captioned the string of pictures with a single high-heel emoji per photo. Sam shared the back-to-back photo on his own feed on June 11, captioning it, “Me & my baby lady”.
Sam and Britney celebrated their first wedding anniversary on June 9, and Sam paid tribute to his wife by sharing video and images from their wedding on his Instagram Story (seen HERE). “Happy 1 year to me & my better half,” he wrote over the first photo from his post. “One year married to the woman of my dreams. Happy anniversary my love,” he added later on in the post. Some video clips from the touching video showed Britney being pulled in her magical horse-drawn carriage, Sam getting emotional as he read his vows to Britney, them kissing on a balcony, and more.
The pair tied the knot on Thursday, June 9, 2022 in a surprise ceremony at Britney’s Thousand Oaks, Calif. home in front of about 60 guests, which included Selena Gomez, Paris Hilton, Drew Barrymore, and the designer of Britney’s wedding dress, Donatella Versace. They jetted off to a tropical getaway for their honeymoon a few weeks later.
About a year later, they jetted off once again to an undisclosed location, and Britney made sure to document their trip with two selfies taken from their plane. Sam pulled his wife close to his body as they smiled at the entrance to their cabin in the first photo, and in the second photo, they smiled wide together for a selfie. Sam also showed off his fresh buzz cut. The “Womanizer” hitmaker seemed ready for vacation and captioned the post, “Somebody give me a margarita right now”.
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