Salma Hayek, 56, is having a blast in denim! The bombshell House of Gucci actress took to Instagram on Friday, June 16 to share a cheeky photo and video collection as she modeled a sexy head to toe blue jeans look. In the post, which you can see below, she showed off the strapless blue bustier with brass button details and a matching pair of jeans in what appeared to be a luxe city penthouse. In a couple of the images, the mom of one gave all the old Hollywood vibes in a massive, wide brimmed sunhat, accessorizing with a stunning pair of shades and a classy white gold necklace. And in the final video, she strutted down the hall, slapping her own butt as she walked the imaginary runway. “DREAM BIG,” she captioned the carousel.
A flood of her 24.6 million followers on the platform couldn’t contain themselves, and they took to the comments thread to rave over the incredible look. “So stunning 😍 I’m living for all your fashion looks lately 🥰💕!!” wrote a fan, while another commented, “absolutely the most gorgeous woman on the planet!” “Someone with better taste? Hm i dont think so,” mused a third. “That walk is all the sass, go mommas,” remarked yet another.
Salma’s flawless physique, it turns out, comes from a surprising source. In a 2021 interview, she revealed how she achieves it. Despite “how much mileage I put on my body, and how much pressure and judgment I put on it, my body has been incredibly generous,” she told InStyle at the time. “I don’t think I am some hot tamale, but I know that for my age, for the lifestyle that I lived, I’m not doing too badly. And I attribute all of this to meditation.”
The practice, she explained to the outlet, “makes you experience your body with a lightness that’s really delicious and satisfying. With the breathing and the going inside, you explore your body in a different way, and you learn not to go crazy with the expectations.”
Obviously, it’s working.
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