Sean Penn may be making the moves on stunning actress Olga Korotyayeva, as they were spotted on a dinner date in Malibu over the Memorial Day weekend. The Oscar winner, 62, rocked a classic suit and tie for the trip to the famed sushi spot Nobu, while Olga, 42, was picture-perfect in polka dots, as seen here via DailyMail. The romantic outing comes more than two years after Sean’s divorce from Leila George, 31.
Sean kept a serious look on his face as he waited for his black luxury sedan to pull up to the valet stand. Olga, who is best known for her work in the 2021 film Blast and 2013’s Le bonheur, per her IMDB, was the absolute moment in her spectacular ensemble. The pair were quite the gorgeous couple on what appeared to be their first public date.
Back in October of 2021, Sean and Leila, the daughter of actors Vincent D’Onofrio and Greta Scacchi, had called it quits on public dates for good. They wed in August 2020 after four years of dating. The split marked Sean’s third divorce; the Academy Award winner was previously married to Madonna between 1985 and 1989 and to Robin Wright between 1996 to 2010.
Meanwhile, Robin and Sean had sparked reconciliation rumors when they were spotted at LAX together in Jan. It was the first time the former couple, who share children Dylan, 32, and Hopper, 29, were photographed together in years. However, Robin later confirmed that the co-parents are simply buddies.
“To be friends with the father of your children… I mean, it’s a gift because we know divorce with children is one of the most difficult things in life,” she told E! News in Feb. “We’re always gonna be family, whether we’re together or apart, you know? And I think that’s beautiful, and I wish that for everybody.”
Following her divorce from Sean, Robin went on to say “I do” with Clement Giraudet in 2018, but it was reported that the couple separated in 2022 and the actress had filed for divorce.
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