Valentin and April find themselves at a crossroads as the issue of who makes more money comes into play on 90 Day Fiance:Love In Paradise! In this EXCLUSIVE preview of the May 22 episode, the couple get into a heated debate about where they will settle down — either the United States or the Dominican Republic — after it comes to light that Valentin is hesitant to move to America. For April, the answer is easy: the couple should live wherever the bread winner is making the dough. In this case, April says she calls the shots, as she is a “practicing physician that is doing extremely well.”
The clip opens with Valentin and a few members of Valentin’s family telling April that Valentin isn’t ready for a big move to America. “This is the first time Valentin has mentioned not wanting to move to the United States,” April reveals in a confessional. “So, I definitely did not expect to have this conversation with him in front of his family.”
Valentin then says in front of the group, “No, I’m not going to move over there for a while, I need to be prepared first and to learn English.” With what appears to be a worried look on her face, April gently asks, “When do you think you’ll learn English,” to which Valentin shakes his head and mumbles, “I don’t know, that will take me a long time.”
April quickly launches into a rant about personal life lessons and what Valentin should be focusing on for the future. “In life, I did not get to where I am by doing one task at a time. You’re already starting behind and if you don’t start learning multiple things at a time, then you’re not going to be able to secure a future for yourself,” she tells him.
After April translates what she just said into an app and plays it on her speaker phone, Valentin and his family appear shocked. “Maybe she just wants to put me down, and thinks by saying those things, she’s going to motivate me. But I didn’t want her to embarrass me,” Valentin admits in a confessional. “I want to be someone in the future, I don’t like to be rushed.”
Suddenly, Valentin’s family come to his aid, asking April why she can’t be the one to relocate. Tossing back her hair, April tries to set everyone straight by claiming, “Because I’m the bread winner, that’s number one.”
“There’s really no nice way of saying it, you understand I make the most, honestly, and second, I am a physician, a practicing physician, that is doing extremely well,” April continues. “It would be foolish for me to leave my career as a physician, my businesses that I own and operate to come to the Dominic Republic and live an impoverished lifestyle.”
Ouch. But April isn’t finished just yet. “I mean, let’s be honest, what are we talking about, you can’t provide for me. I have to make my own money,” she says. “You can’t provided for me, so why would I leave the United States.”
Check out Valentin’s answer and why April ‘disappointed’ him when the full episode airs on Monday. And catch the whole Season 3 of 90 Day Fiance: Love In Paradise as it continues every Monday at 8 p.m. on TLC.