Michelle Yeoh, 60, looked incredible on the carpet of the 2023 Met Gala on Monday. The Academy Award-winning actress flaunted a flowing gown that included a white collared top with buttons that had long flared out white sheer sleeves. The waist to bottom section of the gown was all black and opened to reveal more white. She also added thigh-high black heeled boots that had jeweled sections at the bottom and accessorized with dangling earrings and a shining necklace. Her dark hair was pulled back, and she topped the look off with flattering makeup that included black eyeliner.
Michelle’s appearance at this year’s gala comes one year after she looked stunning at last year’s gala as well. The talented star wore a green off-the-shoulder gown from American designer Prabal Gurung. The silk stunner came with a hand-draped bodice and matching cape that “captures the grandness of the Gilded Age,” Prabal said, according to Vogue. He also said the dress is “inspired by the perfect combination of elegance and sensuality but with a fighter spirit that Michelle embodies.”
Michelle topped the look off with a Tasaki necklace also designed by Prabal and called her overall ensemble “breathtaking and very regal—it’s elegant simplicity, and that’s what I love.” She styled her long dark hair down with the dress and added red lipstick and other makeup that helped bring out her gorgeous features.
In addition to her two Met Gala looks, Michelle wowed when she attended the 2023 Academy Awards earlier this year in a sleeveless white Dior dress that had a sheer section at the top. The winning choice reached the ground as she posed for beautiful photos on the red carpet of the annual event, and she added a matching headband and dangling earrings to the look. It was also the look she wore when going up on stage to accept her impressive Best Actress award for her work in Everything Everywhere All At Once.
An Oscar wasn’t the only big award she won this season for the popular movie. She also won a Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role, and a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy. Michelle played the role of Evelyn Wang, a Chinese-American mother who is struggling with her laundromat business and travels across time and space in order to save the multiverse, in the critically acclaimed film.
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