Rihanna, 35, turned heads with her iconic Chanel outfit on Saturday night. The singer, who is pregnant with her second child, wore a fuzzy white sleeveless mini dress under a black and white fuzzy cropped long-sleeved top as she dined at Caviar Russe restaurant in New York City, NY. She also added strappy black heels with sparkly silver straps, a hat that matched her dress and top, and white glasses in the shape of the Chanel logo.
The beauty’s epic look, which seemed to be inspired by the upcoming Met Gala’s theme, Karl Lagerfeld: A Thing of Beauty, didn’t stop there. She accessorized with silver earrings and rocked long nails. She also wore flattering makeup that included dark pink lipstick as her cute baby bump shape could be seen wrapped in her dress.
It’s unknown if Rihanna’s latest look will be anything like her look at the Met Gala, which she is expected to attend on Monday, but it would certainly make sense. She took to Instagram to share multiple photos of the look and captioned the post with, “not even monday.” Many friends and fans responded, including model Gigi Hadid, who wrote, “Let us try tho,” along with many smiley faces.
Before Rihanna wowed in Chanel, she wore a much more casual look when she stepped out to take a flight out of NYC three days ago. She wore a white crop top under a black and white camouflaged jacket that had dark blue denim at the bottom. She also wore black pants, white sneakers, and a baseball cap with sunglasses.
As Rihanna continues to dazzle at outings and events, she’s gearing up for the arrival of her new baby. The doting mom already shares an 11-month-old son with boyfriend A$AP Rocky and their upcoming bundle of joy will make them both the parents of two. She announced the happy news about the new addition during her incredible halftime performance at the Super Bowl earlier this year.
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