Priyanka Chopra, 40, looked incredible at the premiere of her new Amazon Prime spy series, Citadel, in Rome, Italy o n Friday. The talented actress wore an eye-catching green gown with a plunging neckline to the event, and added a matching feather-lined robe over it. She had most of her hair pulled up into a high ponytail with strands hanging down to frame the sides of her face, and accessorized with a necklace and earrings as she topped her look off with dark red lipstick.
At one point, while posing on the red carpet, Priyanka shared a friendly hug with co-star Richard Madden. He wore a maroon velvet blazer over a black button-down top and black pants. They both flashed smiles to the camera as Priyanka’s husband Nick Jonas, who was also at the premiere, beamed with pride. He wore a dark blue blazer and pants and took time to pose with his spouse.
Priyanka’s latest premiere look comes just a few days after she showed up to a different Citadel premiere in a gorgeous red dress. Nick couldn’t help but show off her sizzling look to his Instagram followers in a video that was set to the music of his Jonas Brothers song “Red Dress.” He also shared a post that praised his wife’s success with the new show. “Congrats to my ❤️ @priyankachopra and the entire cast of @citadelonprime on the world premiere,” he wrote alongside PDA-filled photos of him and the beauty.
When Priyanka and Nick aren’t taking in the excitement from premieres, they’re doing so with their adorable one-year-old daughter Malti. The tot recently went on her first trip to India, where Priyanka is from, and the doting mom shared some memorable photos from the trip. “MM’s first trip to India had to be completed with Shree Siddhivinayak’s blessings,” she wrote in the caption.
Priyanka, Nick, and Malti were mobbed by the paparazzi when they arrived in Mumbai at the end of March. They stopped to pose for photos at the airport and looked as happy as could be in casual outfits.
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