Sam Asghari has been spotted wearing his wedding ring again following rumors that his marriage to Britney Spears is on the rocks. The model and actor, 29, was seen walking on April 7 with his silver band on his ring finger, which he seemed to show off for cameras with a closed fist that put the ring front and center. The photograph, seen below, comes just days after he laughed off divorce rumors by sharing a selfie to his Instagram Story that showed him rocking his ring while working out and again on a plane.
Furthermore, his representative confirmed that Sam and the pop icon are still together. “Sam is not having marital issues,” Brandon Cohen told Entertainment Tonight. “He simply took off his ring because he is filming a movie.”
Last week, fans became worried when both Sam and Britney, 41, ditched their wedding rings about 10 months after they tied the knot in Los Angeles. The “Toxic” hitmaker was photographed exiting her vehicle on March 28 in a flannel paired with white shorts — and no ring. Two days later, Sam was photographed without his ring after a workout session at a Thousand Oaks gym.
The ring controversy occurred as Britney enjoyed a Hawaiian getaway with her longtime friend and manager, Cade Hudson. Cade, who has worked with Ciara, Ansel Elgort, and more, happily joined Britney in a since-deleted dancing video, in which the pair danced up on each other to Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams’ 2013 hit “Blurred Lines.” Britney was not wearing her wedding ring and seemed to be having a blast.
Britney and Sam walked down the aisle in an intimate June 2022 ceremony that took place at Brit’s Thousand Oaks abode. She wore a custom Versace gown in front of her famous guest list, which included but was not limited to Madonna, Paris Hilton, and Selena Gomez. The pair have been together since 2016 and got engaged in 2021.
Sam gushed about married life — and getting used to wearing a wedding ring — in a chat with Good Morning America following his and Britney’s special day. “I have to wear this thing now!” he exclaimed while showing his ring to the camera. “It’s heavy, so I’m getting a workout with it.” He also called his wedding “surreal”. He explained, “It’s been a minute. It was way overdue for us. And we imagined this thing being a fairytale, and it was.”
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