Priyanka Chopra is sharing her beautiful memories in her homeland of India with daughter Malti Marie Jonas. The stunning actress, 40, took to Instagram on Thursday, April 6, to post a short photo carousel of herself with Malti wearing stunningly colorful garb at the Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai. Her one-year-old mini-me, who was born via surrogate in January of 2022, looked adorable as she accompanied mom to the special location. “MM’s first trip to India had to be completed with Shree Siddhivinayak’s blessings,” Pri captioned the post, completing it with praying hand and heart emojis.
Many of her 86.2 million followers on the platform took to the comments thread to gush over the gorgeous photos and praise her as a mother. “Love that you are teaching her Indian traditions so early! Thanks for sharing the importance of our culture to all your followers,” wrote a follower. “Our Indian beauty spreading love to the whole world. @priyankachopra beautiful moments. Spirituality leads to success and helps to be an good positive person,” remarked another. “This is just adorable 😍 Beautiful MM,” commented a third.
Meanwhile, precious moments with her daughter weren’t the only things she enjoyed on the trip. In another gorgeous pic posted April 6, she appeared to be having a super glam moment all by herself. In the snap, she wore a sweeping teal blue strapless dress with black polka dots in a hotel hallway. The former beauty queen rocked mile high platform heels and accessorized with gold anklets, chunky bracelets, and a pair of blinding diamond earrings. She struck a sexy pose and raised a glass of wine for the photo. “Mumbai done right! See you 🔜 💕✨” she captioned the photo.
The stunning Citadel actress arrived in Mumbai to great fanfare at the end of March with her tiny daughter and husband Nick Jonas. The famous couple stunned during an appearance at the Mumbai Gala on April 1, with Priyanka wearing a jaw dropping multiple colored strapless gown for the big event.
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