Priyanka Chopra is bringing her baby girl home to her native India. The actress was photographed arriving in Mumbai on March 31 with her little girl, Malti Jonas, and husband, Nick Jonas, in tow. The family of three was inundated with fans at the airport, and stopped to pose for some photos before getting in their car. Priyanka looked stunning in a bright pink crop top and matching skirt with thigh-high slit. She completed her stylish, but comfortable, look with sneakers and sunglasses.
Even though Priyanka and Nick have mostly kept their little girl out of the public eye, they proudly held her up to take some pictures. Priyanka had Malti in her arms, while Nick held up her hand to help her wave to the crowd. The lovebirds also took some photos of just the two of them, as well.
Malti celebrated her first birthday in January after being born a full trimester early in 2022. The little one was born via surrogate and had to be kept in the NICU for nearly four months after her birth. Nick and Priyanka were able to bring her home by Mother’s Day 2022 after more than 100 days in the hospital.
“We are overjoyed that our little girl is finally home, and just want to thank every doctor, nurse and specialist at Rady Children’s La Jolla and Cedar Sinai, Los Angeles, who were there selflessly every step of the way,” Nick wrote on Instagram at the time. “Our next chapter beings now and our baby is truly a bada**. Let’s get it M! Mommy and daddy love you.” Nick also gushed over Priyanka taking to motherhood with “ease and steadiness” in his post.
Nick and Priyanka started dating in the spring of 2018 and were engaged by that summer. They tied the knot with multiple different weddings in November and December 2018. Malti was born just over three years later. The toddler made her first public appearance at the Jonas Brothers’ Walk of Fame ceremony in Jan. 2023.
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