Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse gave Carmen Sandiego a run for her money on Friday evening. The private couple was spotted in Argentina, following Suki’s performance during the first night of Lollapalooza Argentina‘s three-day extravaganza. In the photos, Robert, 36, and Suki, 31, make their way to dinner, holding each other’s hands as they go on their South American stroll. Suki channeled her inner “Neil Gaiman/Raven from ECW” for the outing with a vintage-era Sandman t-shirt, loose-fitting dusty-gray jeans, and a denim long-sleeved shirt.
Robert kept it casual in black pants, a plain white t-shirt, and a black jacket. He sported a black cap over his head and a facemask. The couple continued their walk, hand-in-hand, for this lovely date night in Argentina.
Both Robert and her friend accompanied her and were behind the scenes when the model, singer, and actress performed at the Lollapalooza Festival. When she finished, Sukithanked the Argentine public and said, “It was the best show of my life. I will never forget it, I love you.” She would also perform at Lollapalooza Chile the following night.
The outing comes roughly one month after Suki gave a rare interview with the Sunday Times. “I’m always incredibly excited when I see his name pop up [on my phone] or even a text, and I think he feels the same about me,” the Daisy Jones & The Six star said. “We’ve always got so much to say, and I find him hilarious.”
Robert also spoke about his relationship with Suki and why he keeps it away from the public eye in an interview with The Sunday Times in 2019 (h/t Yahoo). “If you let people in, it devalues what love is,” he said. “If a stranger on the street asked you about your relationship, you’d think it extremely rude.
“If you put up a wall, it ends up better,” he continued. “I can’t understand how someone can walk down the street holding hands, and it’s the same as when I do it, and a hundred people are taking your photo. The line between when you’re performing and when you’re not will eventually get washed away, and you’ll go completely mad.”
Suki and Robert’s relationship first caught the public eye in July 2018. The couple has kept the romance under lock, even during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns in 2020. At the start of 2020, there was speculation that Robert might have proposed to Suki when she wore a ring on her engagement finger, but neither has addressed those rumors. However, as these new pictures prove, the love between them is still going strong.
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