Zoe Saldana was a showstopper on the Oscars red carpet. The 44-year-old actress opted for Fendi dress she arrived at the 95th Academy Awards in Hollywood, California on Sunday, March 12. The 90s inspired slip dress from the couture line included mesh overlays for a delicate slinky look that flowed into a subtle A-Line skirt. She added a drop pair of diamond earrings to tie the look together, along with a stunning diamond necklace.
She was joined on the carpet by her husband Marco Perego on the carpet, turning the event into their very own date night. Marco was also looking dapper as he posed next to his wife of nearly 10 years in a sleek black tuxedo and bow tie. The ensemble appeared to be made out of a plush velvet material.
The New Jersey native is a part of a movement to make the Oscars fashion more sustainable through her partnership RCGD Global, who designed her ensemble. “I’m committed to finding more ways to incorporate a sustainable presence within my fashion choices,” she said to Harper’s Bazaar two days before the big show as she teased her look. “I can only say it had a lot of thought and care behind it,” she also said.
The past few months have been full of promotion for Zoe as she reprised her role in the highly successful James Cameron film Avatar: The Way of Water, which came out in Dec. 22 nearly 13 years after the first Avatar film. The latest flick also made her the first actor to appear in four different movies that grossed more than $2 billion at the box office worldwide, including the original Avatar, Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame.
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