Emily Blunt showed off her incredible fashion sense at the 2023 Academy Awards. The British beauty, who shares two daughters with husband John Krasinski, rocked a Valentino white gown for the extravaganza, proving worthy of her fashionista title. With a set of dangling pink diamond earrings and a dazzling silver clutch, Emily took up glamour just a notch.
The Jungle Cruise star may not have been nominated this year for an Oscar, but she certainly dressed like she was about to take home a statuette! It was déjà vu at the SAG Awards a few weeks earlier, where Emily, who wasn’t up for an award, ended up stealing the show with her fabulous ensemble. Her cherry-red mermaid-core gown, designed by Oscar de la Renta, was fresh and experimental, a style that Emily said she’s embraced after initially being shy on the red carpet.
“I was a bit more tentative when I first started out,” she admitted to InStyle. “Now, I love to embrace the spectacle of it, because it is an alien thing and an otherworldly thing to be photographed like that on the red carpet and have people screaming at you, so I might as well make a spectacle of it rather than look like myself.”
She has also credited her stylist, Jessica Paster, for helping her think outside of the box. “Over the years, Jessica has encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and see style as a way of expressing your artistic sensibilities,” Emily told Vogue in 2020. “She’ll back me up with the more ambitious looks [or] push me when I need a nudge in the right direction.”
Proving that she’s come a long way in her Hollywood soiree style, Emily also dished on how much she disliked her first red carpet look from 2005! “It was for ‘My Summer of Love,’ and I was far too tanned,” she told Lynn Hirschberg. “I was wearing a very bright yellow dress. I always laugh at how sweaty I looked. Horrible.”
It’s a good thing she’s loving her looks now, as Emily’s ensemble for the 2023 Oscars was the perfect accompaniment to a night of fashion, film and, let’s not forget, music! Rihanna performed “Lift Me Up” from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, her first solo release in six years. The pop icon, who is a fashionista herself, took the stage in her first performance since her epic Super Bowl Halftime Show, where she revealed her second pregnancy with A$AP Rocky. And Lady Gaga gave a surprise performance of “Hold My Hand” from Top Gun: Maverick.
Jimmy Kimmel hosted the spectacle for the third time, where Everything Everywhere All at Once won the top prize, Best Picture, after leading the night with 11 nominations. The ceremony took place at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles.
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