Priyanka Chopra, 40, and Nick Jonas, 30, were the prefect example of a couple in love during their latest outing. The actress and singer held hands and smiled to photographers as they walked outside of a restaurant in Paris, France, where they enjoyed dinner with Jessica Alba and Camila Alves McConaughey. They wore similarly colored outfits that included a long brown coat over a beige dress and tan boots on her, and a black sweater, tan leather pants, and brown boots on him.
Priyanka’s hair was down and she wore dark red lipstick with her look. Nick showed off a bit of facial hair and his short curly brown hair was on display. Jessica wore a black leather jacket over a black top and matching pants with heels, and Camila rocked a long black blazer style coat over a light brown outfit.
The dinner was reportedly an event that was part of Paris Fashion Week, which is why the stars were all dressed to impress. There have been many highly anticipated fashion shows and other events throughout the past few days, so it’s no surprise that Priyanka, Nick, Jessica, and Camila were spotted enjoying their time in the “city of love.”
Before Priyanka and Nick joined in one of fashion’s biggest weeks of the year, they made headlines for giving fans a glimpse of their adorable one-year-old daughter Malti. Priyanka shared a few photos in an Instagram post and they showed off the bond she already shares with the little one. “Days like this,” the doting mom captioned the post along with a red heart emoji.
In Jan., Priyanka and Nick celebrated Malti’s first birthday in a big way after she had some scary health issues that left her in the NICU for 100 days after she was born. “We had to celebrate,” Nick told Kelly Clarkson during a Jan. 13th interview on The Kelly Clarkson Show. “She went through a pretty wild journey in the early part of her life, and so we had to celebrate in style.”
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