Salma Hayek, 56, showed up to the Gucci fashion show at Milan Fashion Week on Friday with two very special people: her daughter Valentina, 15, and stepdaughter Mathilde Pinault, 22. The actress proudly posed for photos with the gorgeous girls while wearing a blue and silver patterned dress and silver heels. She had her hair down and also rocked sunglasses.
Valentina looked incredibly grown up as she posed beside her mom in a light blue button-down silky top and long black leather skirt. She added black and silver shoes and a necklace as her long curly blonde hair was down. Mathilde also looked great in a black sheer dress and boots and also had her hair down with sunglasses.
In addition to posing with Salma, Valentina and Mathilde posed with just each other. Their confident facial expressions seemed to prove they are comfortable in the spotlight and following in their mom’s footsteps. Their unexpected appearance at the event also made it a memorable moment.
The Gucci show is the second fashion show that Salma brought Valentine and Mathilde to, according to Page Six. The beauty showed up to a Balenciaga fashion event during Paris Fashion Week with the girls last March. They also wore stylish outfits during that event, including a light blue top over a black dress on Salma, a black long-sleeved top and matching shorts on Valentina, and a dark denim outfit on Mathilde.
When Salma’s not spending time with her daughters at professional events, she’s doing so on private vacations. She made headlines when she shared a rare photo with Valentina and her stepson Augustin James Evangelista, 16, back in Dec. They were all sitting together as they were “looking for snow,” in the photo and it received a lot of responses from fans. Many talked about the bond that could clearly be seen between the mother and her kids while others wished them a good time.
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