Doja Cat got candid about her online feuds, saying she will never back down from taking on social media trolls. The “Say So” hitmaker, who is up for five Grammys on Sunday, revealed she responds to internet vitriol to prove the haters wrong. “A lot of people think I’m not good at handling trolls because I respond to them. But that’s the art of it: I love to go to f****** war with trolls,” she told Variety for their February issue.
“That’s just what I’ve grown up with; I’ve been on the internet for 1,000 f****** years and it’s just part of me: that I need to respond,” she continued. “People think, ‘Oh, if you’re defending yourself, you’re weak.’ But I always rest on ‘Everyone can suck my d*** from the back.” She added, “If somebody wants to fight me on the internet, I will gladly join in, balls to the wall. It’s fun for me. I’m a very messy bitch.”
Doja Cat went on to explain that her famous online battles have taken a different tone now that she is…. well, famous. “It f****** sucks now that I can’t fully do my thing on Instagram Live. Now I’m being flooded with people who have these preconceived f****** notions about me, and they come in and try to troll. Which I’m very good at handling,” she explained.
The artist (real name: Amala Ratna Zandile Dlamini) also touched upon her eye-popping ensembles that she is just as famous for as her online feuds, saying she “likes” to show her “feathers.” Case in point, her Paris Fashion Week look: 30,000 red Swarovski crystals covering her face, head, and body. The glittering outfit was dubbed “Doja’s Inferno” and realized by celeb makeup artist Pat McGrath, per People. Check it out on Doja’s Instagram.
“It’s a performance everywhere we are,” Doja’s manager, Gordon Dillard, told Variety. “If we pop up at a party, it’s a performance. If she goes and reads a book, I’m sure it’s gonna be a performance. That’s her personality. I think Doja is our generation’s Madonna or Lady Gaga, as far as her capabilities, and we’ve just scratched the surface. We are planning for the long haul, as far as her businesses, and as far as potentially joining the film and TV world. We’re always planning long-term and working our way backwards.”
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