Kylie Jenner, 25, shared the highly anticipated first photo of her son on Aire — also confirming his new name. The makeup mogul, who welcomed her second child in Feb. 2022, took to Instagram to share the tot and her snuggled up for a sweet mirror selfie, wearing a Posh Peanut sleeper. He looked absolutely adorable in the photo dump shared on Jan. 21, which also included a sweet solo shot of him in another sleeper by Posh Peanut and black beanie. Another showed Kylie snuggling and tickling him, followed by a picture of him in a sauce covered bib as he sat in his high chair. How sweet!
Kylie’s first public photo of her son, whom she shares with ex-boyfriend Travis Scott, comes after she shared glimpses of him, without showing his face, a few times in the past. In the birth announcement, she posted a pic that only showed his little hand near hers, which can be seen below. “2/2/22,” she captioned the pic, referring to his date of birth.
She also shared a photo of Travis cuddling with the newborn and their daughter Stormi, 4, in a Father’s Day post in June 2022. She covered his face with a brown heart emoji, but his hair could still be seen. “happy father’s day daddyyyyy we love you 🤎,” Kylie wrote to Travis in the caption.
In addition to not showing his face at first, Kylie and Travis changed their son’s name. Although they initially named him Wolf, they revealed that they felt the name didn’t fit him so they went with something else. “FYI our sons name isn’t Wolf anymore,” she revealed in a post in March 2022. “We just really didn’t feel like it was him. Just wanted to share because I keep seeing Wolf everywhere.”
Kylie’s journey, from pregnancy to birth and beyond, with her son has been much more private than her journey with Stormi. Although she also kept her daughter’s pregnancy a secret until she was born, the reality star kept everything about her second child under wraps for most of his first year of life. She never revealed exactly why, but it’s clear to see she’s making sure it’s the right moment to share certain things about him and keep both of her children as safe as possible.
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