Priyanka Chopra lit up the night sky in London on Thursday, Jan. 11. The actress, 40, was photographed stepping out of a luxury vehicle in the Soho neighborhood in a stunning gold strapless dress that featured a high-low skirt. The dress brought the drama, as it was layered with multiple fabrics, some sheer and some printed. Her waist was pulled in thanks to the twisted bow wrap featured across the front of the dress.
The mother of one beamed with pride as she made her way out of Phonica Records, an independent record shop. She lengthened her gorgeous legs with gold pointed-toe heels and accessorized with glistening earrings and a bracelet. A dark red lip completed the look by pulling out the darker accents in the glamorous dress.
Priyanka’s last known outing took place at London’s Piccadilly Circus, where she smiled in front of a giant digital screen that promoted her new partnership with cosmetics brand Max Factor. In photos seen here, the “White Tiger” actress slipped into a monotone outfit featuring a beige ribbed knit mini dress. She paired the skin-tight dress with a long coat with thigh-high, heeled boots.
Just three days ago, she posted from Los Angeles at a screening for an Indian film, Chhello Show (Last Film Show). Taking to her Instagram page with a few snapshots from the special night, she gushed about how proud she is of Indian filmmakers. “The least I can do is always support the industry that taught me all I know about my job. So proud of the amazing movies that come out of Indian cinema. ‘Chhello Show’ being one of the special ones. Good luck team! Go get ‘em,” she wrote. The film was shortlisted for an Oscar, which is only the fourth time a movie made in India has received the honor, according to the film’s Instagram page.
Before that, Priyanka shared adorable snapshots of her and her husband, Nick Jonas, taking their nearly 1-year-old daughter, Malti, for a stroll in a Christmas-light-covered town that appeared to be in New Jersey. “Perfect winter days,” she captioned the slideshow.
It’s not clear when the Miss World 2000 winner jetted off to London, where she previously lived in 2021 due to work commitments. She revealed she had moved to the capital of England during a Jan. 2021 appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. “I finished one movie here and now I have a TV show for Amazon that I’m doing called Citadel that starts now… but I love London,” she gushed. “I’m happy because my mom’s here and my dog is here, so I don’t feel that alone.”
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