Nick Jonas, 30, and Priyanka Chopra, 40, dove into the sea on a recent aquarium trip with their precious 11-month-old daughter, Malti! The Sky Is Pink actress shared a photo of her family date on Instagram on Friday, Dec. 16. The sweet snapshot showed Malti (with a white heart emoji over her face to protect her privacy) being held by her father as she and her mother lovingly stared at each other. A jellyfish swam by in the background.
Nick was bundled up in a black ensemble while Priyanka wore a white knit sweater and matching beanie. Both proud parents wore face masks. Malti looked cozy in a maroon sweater. “Family … #aquarium #familyday #love,” Priyanka captioned the memory.
Just last month, Priyanka shared an adorable family photo on Instagram shortly after she returned home from a business trip in India. The image showed Priyanka lying on an off-white carpet and holding baby Malti, who was dressed in a white onesie, above her face. Nick lounged on his side and smiled at his family in a brown ensemble. Now that’s a picture-perfect moment!
Although Nick and Priyanka are fairly quiet about their personal life, they have given a few tidbits about their lives as parents. In May, the “Jealous” hitmaker told Kelly Clarkson that he adores being a father and that his little one is “the best!” He continued, “It’s just been a magical season of our life and also pretty wild. But it’s a blessing to have her home. It’s been wonderful.”
As fans know, Malti was quietly welcomed into the world in January via surrogate. She was born in a San Diego-area hospital. Sadly, she did not get to come home right away, as she spent over three months in the NICU. Luckily, she joined her parents right in time for Mother’s Day.
“On this Mother’s Day we can’t help but reflect on these last few months and the rollercoaster we’ve been on, which we now know, so many people have also experienced,” Nick began in a sentimental Mother’s Day post this year. “After 100 plus days in the NICU, our little girl is finally home. Every family’s journey is unique and requires a certain level of faith, and while ours was a challenging few months, what becomes abundantly clear, in retrospect, is how precious and perfect every moment is.”
“We are overjoyed that our little girl is finally home,” he continued after thanking the medical staff at Rady Children’s La Jolla and Cedar Sinai hospitals. “Our next chapter begins now, and our baby is truly a badass. Let’s get it M! Mommy and Daddy love you.”
Priyanka shared a similar post of gratitude and ended it by praising all mothers for their hard work and her husband for being such a solid support. “Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and caretakers in my life and out there. You make it look so easy. Thank you,” she kindly penned. “Also.. there is no one I’d rather do this with than you. Thank you for making me a mama @nickjonas I love you.”
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