Priyanka Chopra, 40, showed off a fabulous outfit during her trip to Mumbai, India on November 3. The Matrix Resurrections actress wore a blue crop top with a matching blazer jacket and high-waisted pants, as she walked out of the Taj Lands End Bandra hotel. Priyanka was not accompanied by her handsome husband Nick Jonas, 30, but she looked like a superstar anyway on her own.
Priyanka wore her curly brunette hair down and also rocked some soft glam including pink lipstick and black eyeshadow. She sported a pair of silver heels that gave her a nice lift in height for the night out. Priyanka also showed off her look on her Instagram Story and credited her glam team, including stylist Maeve Reilly, makeup artist Uday Shirali, and hairstylist Priyanka Borkar.
The Quantico actress hosted an event in Mumbai for her Anomaly Haircare line that she launched last year. Priyanka can be seen greeting fans and promoting products from her haircare line in videos on her IG Stories. She rocked her fabulous blue outfit the entire time and looked nothing short of spectacular.
ladies and gentlemen.. HER ✨#PriyankaChopra
— Priyanka Daily (@PriyankaDaily) November 3, 2022
Priyanka talked about what inspired her to launch Anomaly Haircare in an interview with Elle magazine last year. “I decided I wanted to do a beauty line, but I didn’t know what it would be until I realized what the gap in the market was,” the mom-of-one explained. “You’ve seen a lot of skincare be sustainable, clean, vegan, cruelty-free, but you haven’t really seen that in hair care much. I wanted superior products, no parabens, and sulfates, but super clean,” Priyanka said.
When she’s not working on her haircare line and acting in Hollywood projects, Priyanka is busy with her husband and their daughter, Malti, who was born via surrogate in Jan. 2022. Priyanka and Nick just celebrated Diwali with a dinner date joined by Priyanka’s mom in honor of their Hindu religion. Priyanka looked beyond beautiful in a white dress for that outing.
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